
Moyshe Kulbak

Moyshe Kulbak ( משה קולבאַק‎ ) - ( Russian Imperial / Soviet ) Belorussian author - 1896-1937

English titleYiddish titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
The Wind Who Lost His Temper * ( story in Great Works of Jewish Fantasy ) Neugroschel, Joseph1976h/b / p/bCassell ( UK ) / Stonehill Publishing Company ( US )0304297674 / 9780304297672, 0883730251 / 9780883730256, 0879512423 / 9780879512422 & 0330253433 / 9780330253437
The Messiah of the House of Ephraim ( novelette in Great Works of Jewish Fantasy ) Neugroschel, Joseph( 1924 ) 1976h/b / p/bCassell ( UK ) / Stonehill Publishing Company ( US )0304297674 / 9780304297672, 0883730251 / 9780883730256, 0879512423 / 9780879512422 & 0330253433 / 9780330253437

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