
Non-Events on the Edge of the Empire - Inconsequencias na Periferia do Imperio

Non-Events on the Edge of the Empire / Inconsequências na Periferia do Império

anthology ( bilingual Portuguese / English )

edited by André Vilares Morgado

Published: Câmara Municipal de Cascais - tp/b? - 1996
ISBN: 9726370396 / 9789726370390

Contents *
Terminus Peripherion - novelette by Antonio de Macedo ( aka Terminus Peripheron )
Jihad! Jihad! - short story by Maria de Menezes ( aka Jihad! Jihad! 1996 )
One End - short story by Daniel Tercio ( aka Um fim-de-semana de leituras ao serviço de Procyon )
A Night on the Edge of Empire - short story by Joao Barreiros ( aka Uma Noite na Periferia do Império ) ( trans. by Luis Rodrigues? )
Still Memories - short story by Luis Filipe Silva ( aka A Recordação Imóvel 1996 ) ( trans. by author )
The ENT Clinic - story by David Alan Prescott+ ( aka Clínica de Otorrinolaringologia )
The Hazards of War - short story by Jose Manuel Morais ( aka Os Azares da Guerra )

  • all the English titles except those of Barreiros & Silva are guesses from the Portuguese title

+ David Alan Prescott is English, translating and writing in both languages.

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