
Tesseracts Q

Tesseracts Q

anthology from the French

edited by Élisabeth Vonarburg and Jane Brierley

translated by various

Published: Tesseract - hardback - 1996
ISBN: 1895836220 / 9781895836226

Tesseract - trade paperback - 1996
ISBN: 1895836212 / 9781895836219

Foreword - essay by Élisabeth Vonarburg ( trans. by Jane Brierly )
The Scalemen - novelette by Yves Meynard ( aka Les Hommes-Écailles 1989 ) ( trans. by Jane Brierly )
Contamination - novella by Jean-Louis Trudel ( aka Contamination 1994 ) ( trans. by Donald McGrath & Jean-Louis Trudel )
Hypercruise - short story by Michel Lamontagne ( aka Hypercruise 1984 ) ( trans. by Howard Scott )
The Mother Migrator - novelette by Francine Pelletier ( aka La Migratrice 1985 ) ( trans. by Wendy Green )
Rêve Canadien - novelette by Jean-Pierre April ( aka Canadian Dream 1982 ) ( trans. by Howard Scott )
Memory Trap - novelette by Esther Rochon ( aka Le Piège  souvenirs 1985 ) ( trans. by Lucille Nelson )
1534 - short story by Denis Côté ( aka 1534 ) ( trans. by Howard Scott )
Coineraine - novelette by Agrés Guitard ( aka Coleraine 1983 ) ( trans. by Howard Scott )
Snoopymen All Die Like Bengal Goats - short story by Jean Pettigrew ( aka Les Hommes-Snoopy meurent tous comme des chèvres du Bengale 1984 ) ( trans. by Jane Brierly )
The Eighth Register - novelette by Alain Bergeron ( aka Le Huitième Registre 1993 ) ( trans, by Howard Scott )
A Patch of Garden Over Serrapolis - short story by Marie-Claire Lemaire ( aka Coin de jardin au-dessus de Sarrapolis 1988 ) ( trans. by Donald McGrath )
The Friends of Mr. Soon - novelette by Daniel Sernine ( aka Les Amis de Monsieur Soon 1983 ) ( trans. by Jane Brierly )
Notes on a Possible End of a World André Carpentier ( aka Carnets sur la fin possible d'un monde 1989 ) ( trans. by Michael Bullock )
Hart of Iron - novelette by Joël Champetier ( aka Coeur de fer 1990 ) ( trans. by Wendy Green )
The Bluejay - novelette by René Beaulieu ( Le Geai bleu 1980 ) ( trans. by Jane Brierly )
Geisha Blues - novelette by Michel Martin ( aka Geisha Blues ( 1989 / 1990 - re-written ) ( trans. by Howard Scott )
The Vertigo of Prisons - novelette by Roger Des Roches ( aka Le Vertige des prisons 1989 ) ( trans. by Donald McGrath )
Akimento - novelette by Claude-Michel Prévost ( aka Akimento 1989 ) ( trans. by Phyllis Aronoff )
The Other - short story by Bertrand Bergeron ( aka L'Autre 1987 ) ( trans. by Jane Brierly )
Dead Season - novelette by Jean Dion ( aka Morte-Saison 1983 ) ( trans. by Donald McGrath )
Bird of Ashes - novella by Élisabeth Vonarburg ( aka L'Oiseau de cendres 1982 ) ( trans. by Jane Brierly )
The Ourlandine - short story by Annick Perrot-Bishop ( aka L'Ourlandine 1986 ) ( trans. by Neil B. Bishop )
Afterword - essay by Jane Brierly
About the Authors and Translators - Misc.
About the Stories - Misc.

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