
Worlds Apart

Worlds Apart: An Anthology of Russian Science Fiction and Fantasy


edited by Alexander Levitsky

translated by Alexander Levitsky unless stated otherwise

Published: Overlook Press - hardback - 2007
ISBN: 1585678198 / 9781585678198

Overlook Press - paperback - 2008
ISBN: 1585678201 / 9781585678204

Worlds of Russian Fantasy: a survey of Russian Fantasy - essay by Alexander Levitsky

Part I: Russian Early-Modern Fantasy and Utopian Thought

Section A; From Folk Myth to the Fantastic in Early Modern Russian Literature

Ai; Foregrounding Travel in Space: Fantastic and Utopian Scapes of Bygone Years

Evening Meditation on the Majesty of God on the Occasion of the Great Northern Lights - poem by M. V. Lomonosov ( Mikhail Lomonosov ) ( aka Вечернее размышление о божием величестве при случае великого северного сияния 1743 )

Aii The Fantastic in Early-Modern Russian Poetry and Prose

From the ode God - excerpt from a poem by Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin ( Gavrila Derzhavin ) ( aka Bog ( Из оды «Бог» ) 1784 )
The Magic Lantern - ? by Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin ( Gavrila Derzhavin ) ( aka Волшебный фонарь 1804 )
Zlogor - ? by Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin ( Gavrila Derzhavin ) ( aka Злогор 1813 )
Autumn - poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin ( Alexander Pushkin ) ( aka Осень 1833 )
The Bronze Horseman - poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin ( Alexander Pushkin ) ( aka Медный всадник 1833 )
The Queen of Spades - short story by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin ( Alexander Pushkin ) ( aka Пиковая Дама 1833 ) ( trans. by Gillon R. Aitken )
Demon - poem by Mikhail Iurievich Lermontov ( Mikhail Lermontov ) ( aka Демон 1829-39 )
The Dream - poem by Mikhail Iurievich Lermontov ( Mikhail Lermontov ) ( aka Сон 1841 ) ( trans. by David Lowe )
Shtoss - unfinished novel by Mikhail Iurievich Lermontov ( Mikhail Lermontov ) ( aka Штосс 1841 )
The Phantoms ( abridged ) - novella by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev ( Ivan Turgenev ) ( aka Призраки 1864 )
Two Poems in Prose from Senilia - poems by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev ( Ivan Turgenev ) ( aka Senilia ( Два стихотворения в прозе из «Сенилии» ) 1878 )

Aiii - Arabesque and Bizzare Universes of Nikolai Gogol

Vij - story ( abridged ) by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol ( Nikolai Gogol ) ( aka Вий 1835 ) ( trans, by Carl Proffer )
Nevsky Prospekt - by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol ( Nikolai Gogol ) ( aka Невский Проспект 1835 ) ( trans, by Alexander Tulloch )
The Diary of a Madman - by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol ( Nikolai Gogol ) ( aka Записки сумасшедшего 1835 )
The Nose - novella by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol ( Nikolai Gogol ) ( aka Нос 1836 )

Section B; Early-modern Utopias and Dostoevsky`s responses to Utopian thought

Bi - Three Early-Modern Russian Utopias

The Plausible Fantasies - excerpt from the novelette by Faddei Venediktovich Bulgarin ( Faddei Bulgarin ) - ( aka Правдоподобных небылиц 1824 ) ( translated by Leland Fetzer )
The Year 4338. Letters from St. Petersburg ( excerpt ) - Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoevsky ( Vladimir Odoevski ) - ( aka 4338-й года: Петербургских писем 1840 ) ( translated by Leland Fetzer )
Vera Pavlovna's Fourth Dream - short story ( excerpt from What Is to Be Done ) - Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky ( Nikolay Chernyshevsky ) ( aka Четвертый сон Веры Павловны ( отрывок из романа «Что делать?» 1863 ) ( translated by Leland Fetzer )

Bii -Three Responses to Utopian Thought by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky ( Fyodor Dostoevsky )

Bobok - short story by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky ( Fyodor Dostoevsky ) ( aka Bobok ( Бобок ) 1873 )
The Little Boy at the Savior's Christmas Tree - short story by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky ( Fyodor Dostoevsky ) ( aka Мальчик у Христа на ёлке 1877 )
The Dream of a Ridiculous Man - short story by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky ( Fyodor Dostoevsky ) ( aka Son smeshnovo cheloveka ( Сон смешного человека ) 1877 )

Part II Modern Russian Fantasy, Utopia and Science Fiction

Section C; Russia`s Silver Age and the Fantastic of the Twenties and Thirties

Ci - Sampling Russian Symbolist Enigmas

The Stranger - poem by Alexander Alexandrovich Blok ( Alexander Blok ) ( aka Незнакомка 1906 )
The Twelve -excerpt from the poem by Alexander Alexandrovich Blok ( ((Alexander Blok ) ( aka Dvenadtsat ( Двенадцать ) 1918 )
Dust Demons - short story - Valery Iakovlevich Briusov ( Valeri Briusov ) ( aka Демоны пыли )
The Republic of the Southern Cross - short story - Valery Iakovlevich Briusov ( Valeri Briusov ) ( aka Respublika Yuzhnogo Kresta ( Республика Южного Креста ) 1907 ) ( translated by Leland Fetzer )
The Asteroid - poem by Fyodor Kuzmich Sologub ( Fyodor Sologub ) ( aka Астероид )
A Little Man - poem by Fyodor Kuzmich Sologub ( Fyodor Sologub ) ( aka Маленький человек )
Demon - by Andrei Bely ( aka Демон )
St. Petersburg ( excerpt ) - novel by Andrei Bely ( aka Отрывок из романа «Петербург» 1913 ) ( trans. by Robert A. Maguire and John E. Malmstad )

Cii - Russia`s Modernist and Post-Symbolist Prose

Toast - short story - Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin ( Alexander Kuprin ) ( aka Тост 1906 ) ( translated by Leland Fetzer )
Liquid Sunshine - short story - Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin ( Alexander Kuprin ) ( aka Жидкое солнце 1913 ) ( translated by Leland Fetzer )
The Bear Cub - story ( excerpt from 'Russia in a Whirlwind' ) by Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov ( Aleksey Remizov ) ( aka Медведушка ( from Взвихренной Руси ) 1927 )
The Blaze - story ( excerpt from 'In a Rosy Light' ) by Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov ( Aleksey Remizov ) ( aka Пламя ( from V Rozovom bleske ( В розовом блеске ) ) 1
The Dragon - short story by Evgeny Ivanovich Zamiatin ( Yevgeny Zamyatin ) ( aka Дракон 1918 )
The Cave - short story by Evgeny Ivanovich Zamiatin ( Yevgeny Zamyatin ) ( aka Пещера 1922 ) ( trans. by Gleb Struve )
We - excerpt ( from the novel We ) by Evgeny Ivanovich Zamiatin ( Yevgeny Zamyatin ) ( aka Мы 1924 ) ( trans. by Samuel Cioran )
A Year in Their Life - short story by Boris Andreevich Pilniak ( Boris Pilniak ) ( aka God iz zhizni ( Год их жизни ) 1916 )
The Naked Year - excerpt ( ie. Chapt. VII & The Last Triptych ) by Boris Andreevich Pilniak ( Boris Pilniak ) ( aka Goly god ( Голый год ) 1922 )

Ciii - The Waning of Modernism in Post-revolutionary Years

Signs of Zodiac - poem by Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky ( Nikolai Zabolotsky ) ( aka Меркнут знаки Зодиака 1929 )
Human of the Snows — poem by Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky ( Nikolai Zabolotsky ) ( aka Снежный человек )
The Young Man who Surprized the Watchman - short story by Daniel Kharms ( aka Молодой человек, удививший сторожа )
The Dream - short story by Daniel Kharms ( aka Сон )
Love - short story by Yuri Olesha ( aka Любовь )
On the Fantasy of H. G. Wells - essay by Yuri Olesha ( aka О фантастике Уэллса 1937 )
The Fatal Eggs - novella by Mikhail Afanasievich Bulgakov ( Mikhail Bulgakov ) ( aka Rokovye Iaitsa ( Роковые яйца ) 1925 ) ( trans. by Carl Proffer )
Master and Margarita - excerpt ( Chapters 21 & 22 ) from The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Afanasievich Bulgakov ( Mikhail Bulgakov ) ( aka Master i Margarita ( Мастер и Маргарита ) 1928-40 )

Section D: Pre-Soviet and Soviet Visions of Outer Space

The Red Star - novella - Alexander Alexandrovich Bogdanov ( Alexander Bogdanov ) ( aka Krasnaya zvezda ( Красная звезда ) 1908 ) ( translated by Leland Fetzer )
Aelita - excerpt from the novel Aelita by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy ( Alexei Tolstoi ) ( aka Аэлита 1922 ) ( trans. by Leland Fetzer )
The Sun, the Moon, and the Ether Channel - excerpt by Andrei Platonovich Platonov ( Andrei Platonov ) ( aka Эфирный тракт 1922-28 ) ( trans. by Elliott Urday & Alexander Levitsky )
The Andromeda Nebula - excerpt from Andromeda by Ivan Antonovich Efremov ( Ivan Yefremov ) ( aka
Tumannost' Andromedy ( Туманность Андромеды ) 1958 )

Section E: On Contemporary Russian Fantasy and Science Fiction

A Postcript ( On Contemporary Russian Fantasy and Science Fiction ) - essay by Sofya Khagi

Bibliograpy and Suggested Reading

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