The Elephant
( Polish - Słoń - 1957 )
collection by Sławomir Mrożek
translated by Konrad Syrop
Published: MacDonald & Co. - hardback - 1962
ISBN: none
ASIN: B000J0K38A
Penguin Books - trade paperback - 2010
ISBN: 0141193042 / 9780141193045
From the Darkness - short story ( aka Z ciemności )
Birthday - short story ( aka Imieniny )
The Elephant - short story ( aka Słoń 1957 )
A Silent Hero - short story ( aka Cichy współpracownik )
Children - short story ( aka Dzieci )
The Trial - short story ( aka Proces )
The Swan - short story ( aka Łabędzie )
Tiny - short story ( aka Mały )
The Lion - short story ( aka Lew )
The Parable of the Miraculous Escape - short story ( aka Przypowieść o cudownym ocaleniu )
Monologue - short story ( aka Monolog )
The Giraffe - short story ( aka Żyrafa )
The Parson and the Band - short story ( aka O księdzu proboszczu i orkiestrze strażackiej )
It's a Pity - short story
I'm Subtle - short story
The Monument - short story ( aka Pomnik żołnierza )
The Background to an Era - short story ( aka Tło epoki )
In the Drawer - short story ( aka W szufladzie )
A Fact - short story ( aka Fakt )
A Confession About Bobby - short story
A Drummer's Adventure - short story ( aka Przygoda dobosza )
The Co-Operative - short story ( aka Spółdzielnia "Jeden" )
Peer Gynt - short story ( aka Peer Gynt )
Letter from an Old People's Home - short story ( aka List z Domu Starców )
Golden Thoughts - short story ( aka Złote myśli i sentencje )
The Last Hussar - short story ( aka Ostatni husarz )
Horses - short story ( aka Koniki )
Poetry - short story ( aka Poezja )
A Citizen's Fate - short story ( aka Droga obywatela )
My Uncle's Stories - short story ( aka Z gawęd wujan )
The Pastor - short story ( aka Pastor )
An Event - short story ( aka Zdarzenie )
On a Journey ( non-genre )- short story
Art - short story ( aka Sztuka )
A Forester in Love - short story ( aka Zakochany gajowy )
Spring in Poland - short story ( aka Wiosna w Polsce )
Siesta - short story ( aka Sjesta )
Modern Life - short story ( aka Życie współczesne )
The Veteran - short story ( aka Weteran piątego pułku )
The Sceptic - short story ( aka Sceptyk )
I Want to Be a Horse - short story ( aka Chcę być koniem )
The Chronicle of a Besieged City - short story ( aka Kronika oblężonego miasta )
( Polish - Słoń - 1957 )
collection by Sławomir Mrożek
translated by Konrad Syrop
Published: MacDonald & Co. - hardback - 1962
ISBN: none
ASIN: B000J0K38A
Penguin Books - trade paperback - 2010
ISBN: 0141193042 / 9780141193045
From the Darkness - short story ( aka Z ciemności )
Birthday - short story ( aka Imieniny )
The Elephant - short story ( aka Słoń 1957 )
A Silent Hero - short story ( aka Cichy współpracownik )
Children - short story ( aka Dzieci )
The Trial - short story ( aka Proces )
The Swan - short story ( aka Łabędzie )
Tiny - short story ( aka Mały )
The Lion - short story ( aka Lew )
The Parable of the Miraculous Escape - short story ( aka Przypowieść o cudownym ocaleniu )
Monologue - short story ( aka Monolog )
The Giraffe - short story ( aka Żyrafa )
The Parson and the Band - short story ( aka O księdzu proboszczu i orkiestrze strażackiej )
It's a Pity - short story
I'm Subtle - short story
The Monument - short story ( aka Pomnik żołnierza )
The Background to an Era - short story ( aka Tło epoki )
In the Drawer - short story ( aka W szufladzie )
A Fact - short story ( aka Fakt )
A Confession About Bobby - short story
A Drummer's Adventure - short story ( aka Przygoda dobosza )
The Co-Operative - short story ( aka Spółdzielnia "Jeden" )
Peer Gynt - short story ( aka Peer Gynt )
Letter from an Old People's Home - short story ( aka List z Domu Starców )
Golden Thoughts - short story ( aka Złote myśli i sentencje )
The Last Hussar - short story ( aka Ostatni husarz )
Horses - short story ( aka Koniki )
Poetry - short story ( aka Poezja )
A Citizen's Fate - short story ( aka Droga obywatela )
My Uncle's Stories - short story ( aka Z gawęd wujan )
The Pastor - short story ( aka Pastor )
An Event - short story ( aka Zdarzenie )
On a Journey ( non-genre )- short story
Art - short story ( aka Sztuka )
A Forester in Love - short story ( aka Zakochany gajowy )
Spring in Poland - short story ( aka Wiosna w Polsce )
Siesta - short story ( aka Sjesta )
Modern Life - short story ( aka Życie współczesne )
The Veteran - short story ( aka Weteran piątego pułku )
The Sceptic - short story ( aka Sceptyk )
I Want to Be a Horse - short story ( aka Chcę być koniem )
The Chronicle of a Besieged City - short story ( aka Kronika oblężonego miasta )