Anne Leinonen - Finnish author - b. 1973

English titleFinnish titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN / eISBN / BN ID / ASIN / url / ISSN
White Threads ( story in It Came From the North )Valkeita lankojaRantalaiho, Liisa( 2006 ) 2013e-bookCheeky Frawg2940148887447 B00HBDZVY4
Maid of Tuonela ( story in Never Stop )Lautturin tytärSilvonen, Sarianna( 2006 ) 2017tp/b / e-bookOsuuskumma International9527215269 / 9789527215265, 9527215277 / 9789527215272 / B074B6V7FF, 9527215285 / 9789527215289 & 9527215374 / 9789527215371
Corpsecaul, Ghastbridle ( story in Finnish Weird 3 )Tuonenkalma, surmansuitsetTupasela, J. Robert( 2013 ) 2016fanzine / e-magazineHelsinki Science Fiction Society
The Cylinder Hat ( story in Steampunk International )SylinterihattuSaarinen, Christina( 2016 ) 2018h/b / tp/b / e-bookNewCon Press1910935913 / 9781910935910, 1910935921 / 9781910935927 & B07DQNW8QM
The Skinner ( story in Giants at the End of the World )NahatRantalaiho, Liisa( 2010 ) 2017p/bWorldcon 759529391552 / 9789529391554
The Otherling ( novelette in Usva International 2007 )Toisinkainen *Rantalaiho, Liisa( 2006 ) 2007e-magazineUSVA 1795 6242 &
Virgin ( story in Pretty WeirdNeitsytSpangenberg, Mia( 2019 ) 2023magazine none
The Matchbox God ( story in Finnish Weird 2Pienen rasian jumalaTupasela, Robert J.( 2009 ) 2015magazine / download / e-bookHelsinki Science Fiction Society9529355661 / 9789529355662, 952935567X / 9789529355679, 9529355688 / 9789529355686 &
The Mastersmith ( story in Usva International 2015MestariseppäLiisa Rantalaiho2015e-magazineUSVA1795-6242 & ttps:// 1

  • Winner of Atoroxpriset 2007