Antonio de Macedo - Portuguese author - b. 1931

English titlePortuguese titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Tide Effects ( novelette in Side Effects - Efeitos Secundários )Efeitos de Maré 1997tp/bSimetria Portugal9729749507 / 9789729749506
Between Horizons ( novelette in Frontiers - Fronteiras )Entre Horizontes 1998tp/bSimetria Portugal9729749515 / 9789729749513
The Lazy Countess ( story in Sinning in Sevens - Pecar a Sete )A Condessa Preguiçosa 1999tp/bSimetria FC & C9729749523 / 9789729749520
Terminus Peripherion ( novelette in Non-Events on the Edge of the Empire - Inconsequencias na Periferia do Imperio )Terminus Peripherion 1996tp/b?Câmara Municipal de Cascais9726370396 / 9789726370390