Arkady ( or Arkadi ) Natonovich & Boris Natanovich Strugatsky - Russian authors ( brothers ) - 1925-1991 & 1933-2012

English titleRussian titletranslatorpublishedPublisherISBN
Far Rainbow* Dalekaya Raduga / Далекая РадугаMyers, A.G.( 1963 ) 1967Mir Publishersnone
Noon 22nd Century* MacMillan Best of Soviet Science Fiction Polden', 22-i VekMcGuire, Patrick L.( 1962 ) 1978 / 1979h/b / p/bCollier MacMillan0026151502 / 9780026151504 & 0020256000 / 9780020256007
Escape Attempt* MacMillan Best of Soviet Science FictionPoputka k Begstvu ( Попытка к бегству )DeGaris, Roger( 1962 ) 1982h/bMacMillan0026152509 / 9780026152501
The Kid from Hell ( novella in Escape Attempt* )Paren' iz preispodney ( Парень из преисподней )DeGaris, Roger( 1964 ) 1982h/bMacMillan0026152509 / 9780026152501
Space Mowgli ( novella in Escape Attempt* )Malysh / МалышDeGaris, Roger( 1971 ) 1982h/bMacMillan0026152509 / 9780026152501
Natural Sciences in the World of Ghosts* ( story in OrphiaEstestvoznanie v Mire DukhovNikolov, L.( 1962 ) 1990magazineSCC Computernone
The Second Invasion from Mars* MacMillan Best of Soviet Science FictionVtoroe nashestvie marsian ( Второе нашествие марсиан ) ( 1968 ) 1970h/b / p/bMacMillan0026152002 / 9780026152006 & 0020256108 / 9780020256106
Wanderers and Travellers* ( story in International Science-Fiction 1, Path Into the Unknown & The Molecular Cafe )O Stranstvuyuschih i Puteshestvuyuschih ( О странствующих и путешествующих ) ( 1963 ) 1966 / 1967magazineGalaxy Publishing Corporationnone
The Molecular Cafe ( essay as preface in The Molecular Cafe 1968p/bMirnone
Hard to Be a God*Trudno Byt' Bogom ( Трудно быть богом )Ackerman, Wendayne( 1964 ) 1973 / 1974h/b / p/b Seabury Press / DAW Books0816491216 / 9780816491216 & none
Prisoners of Power> MacMillan Best of Soviet Science FictionObitaemyi ostrov ( Обитаемый остров )Jacobson, Helen Saltz( 1971 ) 1977 / 1978h/b / p/bMacMillan002615160X / 9780026151603 & 0020255802 / 9780020255802
Beetle in the Anthill> MacMillan Best of Soviet Science FictionZhuk v MuraveinikeBouis, Antonina W.( 1979 ) 1980h/bMacMillan0026151200 / 9780026151207
The Tiime Wanderers>Volny Gasyat Veter ( Волны гасят ветер )Bouis, Antonina W.( 1986 ) 1987 / 1988h/b / p/bRichardson & Steirman / St.Martin's Press0931933315 / 9780931933318 & 0312910207 / 9780312910204
Monday Begins on Saturday<Ponedel'nik nachinaetsia v subbotu ( Понедельник начинается в субботу )Renen, Leonid( 1966 ) 1979p/bDAW Books0879973366 / 9780879973360
Roadside Picnic / Tale of the Troika <Piknik na Obochine / Пикник на обочине & Skazka o troike ( Сказка о Тройке )Bouis, Antonina W.( 1977 / 1968 ) 1977 / 1978h/b / p/bMacMillan / Pocket Books
Destination: Amaltheia ± ( story in Destination Amaltheia, Earth and Elsewhere and The World Treasury of Science FictionPut' na Amal'teyu ( Путь на Амальтею )Kolesnikov, Leonid( 1960 ) 1963p/bForeign Languages Publishing Housenone
Space Apprentice ± MacMillan Best of Soviet Science FictionStazhery / СтажерыBouis, Antonina W( 1962 ) 1981h/bMacMillan0026152207 / 9780026152204
The Final Circle of Paradise ±Khischnye Veschi Veka ( Хищные вещи века )Rennen, Leonid( 1965 ) 1976 / 1979p/b ( US ) / h/b ( UK )Daw Books / Dennis Dobson0879972645 / 9780879972646 & 0234721456 / 9780234721452
Inspector Glebsky's PuzzleOtel' "U Pogibshego Al'pinista" ( 1970 ) 1988h/bRichardson Steirman & Black0931933684 / 9780931933684
The Ugly SwansGadkie lebedi ( Гадкие лебеди )Nakhimovsky, Alice Stone and Alexander( 1972 ) 1979 / 1980h/b / p/bCollier MacMillan0026151901 / 9780026151900 & 0020072406 / 9780020072409
Definitely Maybe MacMillan Best of Soviet Science FictionZa milliard let do kontsa sveta ( За миллиард лет до конца света )Bouis, Antonina W.( 1976 ) 1978 / 1979h/b / p/bCollier MacMillan0026151804 / 9780026151801 & 002025590X / 9780020255901
The Snail on the SlopeUlitka na sklone ( Улитка на склоне )Meyers, Alan( 1980 ) 1980p/b / h/bBantam Books / Gollancz 0553131974 / 9780553131970 & 0575027959 / 9780575027954
Initiative ( story in Amazing Science Fiction Stories, May 1959, then Thrilling Science Fiction, June 1973 ) also titled Spontaneous Reflex ( in A Visitor from Outer Space and Soviet Science FictionSpontannyi Refleks ( Спонтанный рефлекс )Rutley, Harmon & ( S.R. ) Dutt, Violet L.( 1958 ) 1959 / 1973magazineZiff-Davis Publishing Company / Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc.none
Six Matches ( story in The Heart of the Serpent / More Soviet Science Fiction and The Penguin World Omnibus of Science FictionShest' SpichekProkofieva, R.( 1959 ) 1961p/bForeign Languages Publishing Housenone
The White Cone of the Alaid ( story in Last Door to Aiya )Belyi Konus Alaida ( Белый конус Алаида )Ginsburg, Mirra( 1959 ) 1968h/bS.G.Phillips0875991351 / 9780875991351
An Emergency Case ( story in Path Into the UnknownChrezvychainoe Proisshestvie ( Чрезвычайное происшествие ) ( 1960 ) 1966h/bMacGibbon & Keenone
The Gigantic Fluctuation ( story in Journey Across Three Worlds then Twenty Houses of the ZodiacGigantskaya Flyuctuatsiya ( Гигантская Флюктуация )Evans, Gladys( 1962 ) 1973 / 2000h/b / p/bMir / University Press of the Pacific0714705586 / 9780714705583 & 0898750318 / 9780898750317
The Kikes of Peter's Town or, Unhappy Discourses by Candlelight ( story in New York Review of Science Fiction, May 1996 )Zhidy Goroda Pitera, ili Neveselye Besedy pri SvechahPriyatkin , Dmitri( 1990 ) 1996magazineDragon Pressnone
Conspiracy '87: View from the Soviet Union ( review as essay in Locus, October 1988 1988magazineLocus Publicationsnone
The Desire Machine ( chapters of, in Soviet Literature Science Fiction of Today 1984 ) § Whyte, Monica1984magazineEditors of Soviet Literature none
Five Spoonfuls of Elixir: A Film Script ( in Soviet Literature 86 no.12 ) Liddiard, Clive magazineEditors of Soviet Literaturenone
From Beyond: A Short Novel ( in Soviet Literature Science Fiction of Today 1982 then ( as The Strangers ) in The Road to Science Ficton 6 Around the World )Izvne ( Извне )Greenwood, Winifred( 1958 ) 1982magazineEditors of Soviet Literaturenone
The Visitors ( retitle of 'From Beyond' in Aliens Travelers and Other Strangers then The Big Book of Science Fiction )Izvne ( Извне )DeGaris, Roger then Womack, James( 1959 ) 1984h/bMacMillan Publishing Co.0026152304 / 9780026152303
A Tale of True and False Friendship ( story in Soviet Literature 88 no.12 )Povest o druzhbe i nedruzhbeLiddiard, Clive magazineEditors of Soviet Literaturenone

* Noon Universe
> Noon Universe - Maxim Kamerrer
< Monday Begins on Saturday
± Yurkovsky/Zhilin
§ The Desire Machine was also translated with the title The Wish Machine for an M.A. dissertation by Sandra L. Hambrecht, KUTZTOWN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1985

There is some doubt if Inspector Glebsky's Puzzle was in fact published - it was certainly announced.

Aelita 1981 - for Beetle in the Anthill

Alexander Belyayev Memorial Award 1990 for the novel Grad Obrechenny ( Doomed City ) - not translated?

Velikoye Koltso / The Great Ring Award 1986 for Volny gasyat veter ( The Time Wanderers ), 1987 for the novel Vremya dozhdya ( The Ugly Swans ), 1988 for the novel Ulitka na sklone ( The Snail on the Slope ) and 1989 for the novel Grad Obrechenny ( Doomed City ) - not translated?