
( Arabic - Binyameen - 2015 ) ( بنيامين )

novel by Ibraheem Abbas

Published: Yatakhayaloon ( League of Arabic SciFiers ) - trade paperback - 2019
ISBN: 6030312847 / 9786030312849

Yatakhayaloon ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2019
ASIN: B07T62TT84

Steps drawn so precisely by fate did not start when Hawjan moved to our world nor when Husam returned from Somewhere. In fact, they started three thousand years before ago. They started with the collapse of Solomon’s kingdom and the guardians of his temple's desperate attempt to control humanity. This ignited the battle! Funneled by myth, politics and greed, and fueled by extremism, blood and gold... an epic struggle between science and dictatorship, spread across worlds and dimensions.
