Renato Pestriniero - Italian author - b.1933
People in the Painting is available to read on InterNova
English title | Italian title | translator | published | format | publisher | ISBN |
Traveling Companion ( story in Different Realities 3 ) | Compagno di viaggio | Randolph, Joe F. | ( 1964 ) 1998 | magazine | Verbamation | none |
Night of the Id ( story in Different Realities 4 ) | Randolph, Joe F. | 1998 | magazine | Verbamation | none | |
People in the Painting ( story in Starshore, Summer 1990 ) | Robinson, Kim Stanley | 1990 | magazine | McAlpine | none | |
Espree ( story in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, August 1989 ) | Espree | Robinson, Kim Stanley | ( 1983 )1989 | magazine | Mercury Press, Inc. | none |
People in the Painting is available to read on InterNova