The Speedy Journey on the Airship to the Upper World Which Lately Five People Have Undertaken to Determine Whether it is True That the Planet Mars Appeared on the Tenth of July of This Year With a Satellite or Moon for the First Time for As Long as the World Has Existed? Reported to the Curious Lower World for Its Amusement and Edification and to Affirm the Veracity of This Matter by the Well-Known Fama.
( German - Die Geschwinde Reise auf dem Lufft-Schiff nach der Obern Welt, welche jüngsthin fünff Personen angestellet, um zu erfahren, ob es eine Wahrheit sey daß der Planet Mars den 10 Jul dieses Jahrs das erste Mahl, so lange die Welt stehet, mit eneim Trabanten oder Mond erschienen?; der untern Welt zu curieuser Gemueths-Ergoetzung und Versicherung dieser Begebenheit mitgetheiletdurch die allgemeine Fama - 1744 )
novel by Eberhard Christian Kindermann
translated by Dwight R. Decker
Published: Vesper Press - paperback - 2014
ISBN: 1494212420 / 9781494212421
A moon orbiting the planet Mars, more than 130 years before any were officially observed. Kindermann chose to dramatize his discovery by writing a story about an interplanetary voyage to his alleged Martian moon. Besides traveling through space and encountering alien life forms on another world, the heroes even use balloons for aerial transportation nearly forty years before the actual first balloon flight in 1783.
( German - Die Geschwinde Reise auf dem Lufft-Schiff nach der Obern Welt, welche jüngsthin fünff Personen angestellet, um zu erfahren, ob es eine Wahrheit sey daß der Planet Mars den 10 Jul dieses Jahrs das erste Mahl, so lange die Welt stehet, mit eneim Trabanten oder Mond erschienen?; der untern Welt zu curieuser Gemueths-Ergoetzung und Versicherung dieser Begebenheit mitgetheiletdurch die allgemeine Fama - 1744 )
novel by Eberhard Christian Kindermann
translated by Dwight R. Decker
Published: Vesper Press - paperback - 2014
ISBN: 1494212420 / 9781494212421
A moon orbiting the planet Mars, more than 130 years before any were officially observed. Kindermann chose to dramatize his discovery by writing a story about an interplanetary voyage to his alleged Martian moon. Besides traveling through space and encountering alien life forms on another world, the heroes even use balloons for aerial transportation nearly forty years before the actual first balloon flight in 1783.