The Vengeance of the Oval Portrait

( French - La vengeance du portrait ovale - 1922 )

collection by Gabriel de Lautrec

translated by Brian Stableford

Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2011 ( French Science Fiction 52 )
ISBN: 1612270093 / 9781612270098

Black Coat Press - Nook - 2012
BN ID: 2940013896635

Black Coat Press - Kindle - 2012

Introduction - essay by Brian Stableford
Selections from THE VENGEANCE OF THE OVAL PORTRAIT ( aka La vengeance du portrait ovale 1922 )
The Vengeance of the Oval Portrait - novella ( aka La vengeance du portrait ovale )
Sonia's Soul - novella ( aka L'Âme de Sonia )
The Burial of Olasryck - novella ( aka L'Ensevelissement d'Olasryck )
The Spell - novella ( aka L'Envoûtement )
The Green Jar - novella ( aka Le Bocal Vert 1898 )
The Story of the Diligence - novella ( aka Histoire de la Diligence )
Number Thirteen - novella ( aka Le Numéro Treize )
The Amorous Queen - novella ( aka La Reine Amoureuse )
Nightmare - novella ( aka Cauchemar )
Fragment of a Tale of the Future - novella ( aka Fragment de Conte Futur )
The Wall - novella ( aka Le Mur )
The Three Companions - novella ( aka Les Trois Compagnons )
The Warning - novella ( aka L'Avertissement )
The Red Diamond - novella ( aka Le Diamant Rouge )
The Vestal - novella ( aka La Vestale )
In the Next World…. - novella ( aka Dans le Monde Voisin )
A Macabre Wager - novella ( aka Un pari Macabre )
The Evocation - novella ( aka L'Évocation )
Alice's Story - novella ( aka Histoire d'Alice )
A Family Matter - novella ( aka Le Familial )
Monsieur Ciboire Innkeeper - novella ( aka Monsieur Ciboire, Aubergiste )
Eulogy to the Moon - novella ( aka Louange de la Lune )
Expiation - novella ( aka L'Expiation )
Polar Terror - novella ( aka La Terreur Polaire )
The Lover of Death - novella ( aka L'Amoureux de la Mort )
The Old Demon of Leprosy - novella ( aka Le Vieux Démon de la Lèpre )
The Talisman - novella ( aka Le Talisman )

Selections from POEMS IN PROSE ( aka Poèmes en prose 1898 )
Glorious Action ( aka Le Fait glorieux )
Ambush ( aka Embuscades )
Nocturne ( aka Nocturne )
Empedocles' Sandal ( aka Le Scandale d'Empédocle )
Latin symbolism ( aka Symbolisme latin )
THE SHADOW The Shadow ( aka L'Ombre )
The Mourners ( aka Les Funèbres )

Selections from STORIES OF TOM JOES ( aka Les Histoires de Tom Joë 1920 )
The Haunted Château or, the Adulterous Virgin ( aka Le château hanté ou la vierge adultère )
Monsieur House ( aka Mr. House ) ( sic )
The Submarine Airplane ( aka L'aéroplane sous-marin )
Voyage to the Moon - novella ( aka Le Voyage dans la lune )
The Lost Reflection ( aka Le reflet perdu )
A Cubist Tale ( aka Conte cubiste )
