The Strange Voyages of Jacques Masse and Pierre de Mesange

The Strange Voyages of Jacques Masse and Pierre de Mesange

( French - Voyages et Aventures de Jacques Massé / La Vie, les Aventures et le Voyage de Groenland du Révérend Père Cordelier Pierre de Mésange - 1710 / 20 )

novels by Simon Tyssot de Patot

translated by Brian Stableford

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2015 ( French Science Fiction no.138 )
ISBN: 161227370X / 9781612273709

Black Coat Press ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2015
eISBN: 2940150838765

Black Coat Press ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2015

Introduction - essay by Brian Stableford
Voyages and Adventures of Jacques Massé - ( aka Voyages et Aventures de Jacques Massé 1710 )
Discoveries in the Region of the North Pole by the Reverend Father Pierre de Mesange - ( aka La Vie, les Aventures et le Voyage de Groenland du Révérend Père Cordelier Pierre de Mésange 1720 )
Notes - Brian Stableford.

Voyages and Adventures of Jacques Massé; Dispatches the protagonist to an imaginary land in an heretofore unknown austral continent, where he comes across a "lost world" utopian civilization inhabited by strange creatures that have survived from prehistoric times. Includes an early appearance by the Wandering Jew with a visionary narrative attributed to the folklore of the polar continent, in which a character discovers a subterranean portal to "the abode of the blessed."
Discoveries in the Region of the North Pole by the Reverend Father Pierre de Mésange; The hero discovers a secret underground kingdom inhabited by the descendants of African colonists who left their homeland four thousand years earlier. He spends several years recording their stories and fables.


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