( Russian - 2017 - 2006 )

novel by Olga Slavnikova

translated by Marian Schwartz

Published: Overlook Duckworth Press - hardback - 2010 ( US )
ISBN: 1590203097 / 9781590203095

Gerald Duckworth - hardback - 2010 ( UK )
ISBN: 0715639102 / 9780715639108

Overlook Press - trade paperback - 2012
ISBN: 1468301217 / 9781468301212

Gerald Duckworth - trade paperback - 2012
0715644017 / 9780715644010

Overlook Press - e-book - 2012
eISBN: 1468302906 / 9781468302905
Mobipocket: 9780715643471
ASIN: B00X76STYS ( Overlook )
ASIN: B00AQIJW9Q ( Duckworth Overlook )

Gerald Duckworth - e-book - 2012
eISBN: 9780715643464
ASIN: B00YLR2OVQ ( Duckworth )
Library PDF: 9780715643457

In the year 2017 in Russia poets and writers are obsolete, class distinctions are painfully sharp, and spirits intervene in the lives of humans from their home high in the mythical Riphean Mountains. Professor Anfilogov, a wealthy and emotionless man, sets out an expedition to unearth priceless rubies that no one else has been able to locate. Young Krylov, a talented gem cutter whom Anfilogov had taken under his wing, is seeing off his mentor at the train station when he is drawn to a mysterious stranger who calls herself Tanya. A scandalous affair ensues, but trouble arises in the shape of Krylovs ex-wife Tamara and a spy who appears at the lovers every rendezvous. As events unfold, Krylov begins to learn more than he bargained for about the women in his life and realises why he recognises the spy from somewhere deep within his past. Meanwhile, Anfilogovs expedition reveals ugly truths about mans disregard for nature and the disasters stemming from insatiable greed.

2006 Russian Booker Prize