A Daring Trip to Mars
( German - Auf kühner Fahrt zum Mars: Eine kosmische Phantasie - 1927 )
novelette by Max Valier
translated by Francis Currier
Published: Stellar Publishing Corporation - magazine - 1931 ( in Wonder Stories, July 1931 )
ISBN: none
Baen Books - e-book - 2013
eISBN: 9781625790231
Baen Books ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2013
BN ID: 2940148411581
Baen Books ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2013
Traces with considerable engineering detail a stress-fraught voyage to the Moon and then Mars, which they able only to orbit due to fuel problems.
( German - Auf kühner Fahrt zum Mars: Eine kosmische Phantasie - 1927 )
novelette by Max Valier
translated by Francis Currier
Published: Stellar Publishing Corporation - magazine - 1931 ( in Wonder Stories, July 1931 )
ISBN: none
Baen Books - e-book - 2013
eISBN: 9781625790231
Baen Books ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2013
BN ID: 2940148411581
Baen Books ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2013
Traces with considerable engineering detail a stress-fraught voyage to the Moon and then Mars, which they able only to orbit due to fuel problems.