Angélica Gorodischer - Argentinian author - b. 1928

English titleSpanish titletranslatorpublishedformatpublishedISBN / ASIN
The Violet's Embryos ( short story Cosmos Latinos then Year's Best SF 9 )Los embriones del violeta Irausquin, Sara( 1973 ) 2003h/b / p/bWesleyan University Press0819566330 / 9780819566331 & 0819566349 / 9780819566348
Kalpa ImperialKalpa Imperialle Guin, Ursula( 1983 ) 2003p/bSmall Beer Press1931520054 / 9781931520058
The End of a Dynasty * ( excerpt from Kalpa Imperial in Starlight 2 )Retrato de la Emperatrizle Guin, Ursula( 1983 ) 1998 / 1999h/b / tp/bTor0312861842 / 9780312861841 & 0312863128 / 9780312863128
Portrait of an Emperor ( excerpt from Kalpa Imperial ) El fin de una dinastí­ale Guin, Ursula( 1983 ) 2004on-line
The Perfect Married Woman ( short story in The Secret Weavers then Sisters of the Revolution )La perfecta casadaRoses, Lorraine Elena( 1991 ) 1991tp/bWhite Pine Press1877727156 / 9781877727153
Letters from an English Lady ( story in The Secret Weavers )Cartas de una inglesaBruno, Monica( 1968 ) 1991tp/bWhite Pine Press1877727156 / 9781877727153
Under the Flowering Juleps ( novelette in The Secret Weavers )Bajo las jubeas en florBerg, Mary G.( 1973 ) 1991tp/bWhite Pine Press1877727156 / 9781877727153
The Resurrection of the Flesh ( short story in The Secret Weavers )La resurrección de la carneRoses, Lorraine Elena( 1983 ) 1991tp/bWhite Pine Press1877727156 / 9781877727153
Trafalgar + TrafalgarGladhart, Amalia( 1979 ) 2013t p/b / e-bookSmall Beer Press1618730320 / 9781618730329 & 9781618730336 / B00AYJ36RG
The Sense of the Circle ± ( story in Lightspeed, March 2013 then Trafalgar )Sensatez del ci­rculoGladhart, Amailia( 1979 ) 2013e-magazine / podcastLightspeed Magazinenone
By the Light of the Chaste Electronic Moon ( story in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, May-June, 2013, Trafalgar then Spanish Women of Wonder )A la luz de la casta luna electrónica ( 1979 ) 2013magazineSpilogale, Inc. none
Of Navigators § ( story in Eleveneleven 14, Feb., 2013 then Trafalgar )De navegantesGladhart, Amalia( 1979 ) 2014e-magazineCA College of Artsnone
Concerning the Unchecked Growth of Cities ( exceprt from Kalpa Imperial then in The Mammoth Book of SF by Women )Acerca de ciudades que crecen descontroladamentele Guin, Ursula( 1983 ) 1998 / 1999h/b / tp/bTor0312861842 / 9780312861841 & 0312863128 / 9780312863128
The Unmistakable Smell of Wood Violets ( story in The Big Book of Science Fiction )El inconfundible aroma de las violetas silvestresWomack, Marian( 19091) 2016tp/b / e-bookVintage Crime / Black Lizard1101910097 / 9781101910092, 1101910100 / 9781101910108 & B01CWZH7C4
Man's Dwelling Place ( story in Other Fires )La morada del hombreManguel, Alberto( 1968 ) 1986tp/bClarkson N. Potter051755870X / 9780517558706

