Bob van Laerhoven - Belgium author - b.1953

English titleDutch titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Long Time Ago, Not Forgotten ( story in New Writings in SF no.27 )LiefdeCornwell, Les S.( 1974 )1975/ 1977h/b / p/bSidgwick & Jackson / Corgi0283982217 / 9780283982217 & 0552103888 / 9780552103886
El Pape ( story in Terra SF II )El Papeauthor( 1983 ) 1983p/bDAW Books0879978449 / 9780879978440
All-Eye ( story in The Disciples of Cthulhu )Hingoo ( 1978 ) 1976 / 1996p/b / p/bDAW Books / Chaosium Inc.0879972580 / 9780879972585 & 1568820542 / 9781568820545
Unlucky Fellow ( story in New Worlds from the Lowlands )Pechvogel ( 1977 ) 1982h/b / p/bCross Cultural Communications, Merrick 0893040533 / 9780893040536 & 0893040541 / 9780893040543