Ellen Miriam Pedersen - Danish author - b. 1948

English titleDanish titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Leading, Feeding ( novelette in Sky City )Bemyndigetauthor( 2008 ) 2011tp/bScience Fiction Cirklen08771141588 / 9788771141580
It is Always too Late ( story in The Drabble Project )For sent + 1988h/bBeccon Publications1870824121 / 9781870824125
A Modern Joseph ( story in The Drabble Project ) 1988h/bBeccon Publications1870824121 / 9781870824125

+ I think this was the title i.e. Nær og fjern – Lou 7 ( issue 15/8/2013 )