Haruki Murakami ( (村上 春樹 ) - Japanese author - b.1949

has been translated into English, German, French, Spanish, Lithuanian, Dutch, Hungarian, Portuguese among many others

English titleJapanese titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN / eISBN / ISSN / ASIN / url
Three German Fantasies + ( story in Review of Contemporary Fiction 22 - 2 ) Johnson, Keith Leslie( 1984 ) 2002magazineDalkey Archive Press 02760045
The Ice Man ( story in The Weird )Kōri Otoko Gabriel, Philip( 1991 ) 2011 / 2012p/b / h/b / e-bookAtlantic Books / Tor1848876874 / 9781848876873, 0765333600 / 9780765333605, 0765333627 / 9780765333629 & 9781466803190 / B006E1A68K
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the WorldSekai no owari to hādo-boirudo wandārando ( 世界の終りとハードボイルド・ワンダーランド )Birnbaum, Alfred( 1985 ) 1991h/bHamish Hamilton ( UK ) / Kodansha International ( US )0241131448 / 9780241131442 & 4770015445 / 9784770015440
TV People ( story in New Yorker Sept. 19, 1990, Monkey Brain Sushi, Year's Best Fantasy & Horror: 4th Annual Collection, The Elephant Vanishes then The Big Book of Modern Fantasy )TV pīpuru ( TVピープル )Birnbaum, Alfred( 1989 ) 1990magazineCondé Nast0028-792X & https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1990/09/10/tv-people

+ http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Three+German+Fantasies.-a089928969