Levi Yehoshua Shapiro ( ל. שאַפּיראָ ) - Ukrainian ( Russian Imperial ) author - 1878-1948

English titleYiddish titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
White Chalah ( story in A Treasury of Yiddish Stories ( abridged ) )Vayse chalah ( ווייַסע חלה )Guterman, Norbert( 1919 ) 1954h/bViking Pressnone
Smoke ( story in A Treasury of Yiddish Stories ( abridged ) ) Howe, Irving & Greenberg, Eliezer1954h/bViking Pressnone
The Rebbe and the Rebbetsin ( story in A Treasury of Yiddish Stories ( abridged ) ) Howe, Irving & Greenberg, Eliezer1954h/bViking Pressnone