María Luisa Bombal Anthes - Chilean author - 1910-1980

English titleSpanish titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
The Story of María Griselda ( novelette in The Shrouded Woman then The Secret Weavers )La historia de María Griseldaauthor( 1946 ) 1948 / 50h/bFarrar, Straus & Co. ( US ) / Cassell ( UK )none
House of MistLa última nieblaauthor( 1935 ) 1947 /48h/bFarrar, Straus & Co. ( US ) / Cassell ( UK )none
The Shrouded WomanLa amortajadaauthor( 1938 ) 1948 / 50h/bFarrar, Straus & Co. ( US ) / Cassell ( UK )none
The Unknown ( story in New Islands & Other Stories then Elsewhere, Vol. III )Lo secretoCunningham, Lucia & Richard( 1941 ) 1948 / 84h/b / p/bCassell / Ace Booksnone & 0441204058 / 9780441204052
The Tree ( story in Short Stories of Latin America then The Spanish American Short Story )El árbolTorres Rioseco, Rosalie( 1939 ) 1963h/bLas Americas Publishing Companynone