Paul Leppin - Czech author ( German language ) - 1878-1945

English titleGerman titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Severin’s Road into Darkness Bk 2 The Spider ( novelette in Severin's Journey Into the Dark, Journey Into Darkness then The Dedalus Book of Austrian Fantasy )Severins Gang in die FinsternisBlahut, Kevin( 1914 ) 1993p/bJTwisted Spoon8090125727 / 9788090125728
The Ghost of the Jewish Ghetto ( story in The Dedalus Book of Austrian Fantasy ( expanded ) )Das Gespenst der JudenstadtMItchell, Mike( 1914 ) 2003p/b / e-bookDedalus1903517133 / 9781903517130, 9781907650604 & B00418414I

very much on the ghost/horror side of genre - so not listed beyond appearances in anthologies