The Adventures of Captain Cap & Other Stories

( French - Le Captain Cap, Ses aventures, Ses idées, Sea breuvages - 1902 )

collection by Alphonse Allais

translated by Brian Stableford

Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2013 ( French Science Fiction 102 )
ISBN: 1612272185 / 9781612272184

Black Coat Press ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2014
BN ID: 2940149576302

Black Coat Press ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2014

Captain Cap before Universal Suffrage ( aka Le Captain Cap deviant le suffrage universel )
His Adventures, Ideas and Beverages ( aka Ses aventures, Ses idées, Sea breuvages )
Spectral Love ( aka Amour Spectral )
Ellen's Spirit ( aka L’esprit d’Ellen )
The Ghost
Scientific News
Spiritism and the Railway ( aka Spiritisme et chemin de fer )
The Corpse-Car
Science in the Service of the Police
The Chambardoscope ( aka Chambardoscope 1891 )
In Someone Else's Skin ( aka Dans la peau d'un autre 1892 )
A Luminous Idea ( aka Idée lumineuse 1893 )
The Truth About the Chicago Exhibition ( aka Vérité sur l’Exposition de Chicago 1894 )
Grave Revelations Regarding the So-Called Bolide of Madrid ( aka Le soi-disant bolide de Madrid 1897 )
Batrachromatism ( aka Batrachomatisme 1898 )
The Suppression of Oceans, Seas, Rivers and, in General, the Various Bits of Water Garnishing the Surface of the Globe ( aka Suppression des océans, mers,fleuves et, en général,d es différentes pièces d’eau qui garnissent la surface du globe 1899 )
Science and Religion Finally March Hand-in-Hand: An Allegorical Depiction ( aka Science et la religion – enfin – marchent la main dans la main 1899 )
Per Amica Silentia Lunae: The Moon is a Fish
Where will Science Stop?
Inflexible Science
Introduction and Notes by Brian Stableford

+ Captain Cap: His Adventures, His Ideas, His Drinks ( translated by Douglas Skinner ) Black Scat Press - trade paperback - 2013
ISBN: 0615843409 / 9780615843407

Introduction ( A Few Words About Captain Cap ) -
Pt. 1
Captain Cap Before the Electorate ( aka Le Captain Cap deviant le suffrage universal )
Pt. 2
The Apparent Symbiosis Between the Boa & Giraffe
Pt. 3
The Antifilter & Other Inventions
Pt. 4
The Sanatorium of the Future
Pt. 5
Captain Cap's Cocktails
Pt. 6
8 Uncollected Cap Tales

+ - this is mentioned as being several volumes but only seems to be available in an omnibus format