The Complete Cosmicomics

( Italian - not as such )

collection by Italo Calvino

translated by William Weaver, Tim Parks & Martin Mclaughlin

Published: Penguin Books - hardback - 2009
ISBN: 1846141656 / 9781846141652

Penguin Books - trade paperback 2010
ISBN: 0-41189681 / 9780141189680

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2014
ISBN: 0544146441 / 9780544146440

Houghton Mifflin Harcour ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2014

translated by William Weaver

The Distance of the Moon - short story ( aka La distanza della Luna 1964 )
At Daybreak - short story ( aka Sul far del giorno 1964 )
A Sign in Space - short story ( aka Un segno nello spazio 1964 )
All at One Point - short story ( aka Tutto in un punto 1964 )
Without Colours - short story ( aka Senza colori 1965 )
Games Without End - short story ( aka Giochi senza fine 1965)
The Aquatic Uncle - short story ( aka Lo zio acquatico 1965 )
How Much Shall We Bet? - short story ( aka Quanto scommettiamo 1965 )
The Dinosaurs - novelette ( aka I dinosauri 1965 )
The Form of Space - short story ( aka La forma dello spazio 1965 )
The Light-Years - short story ( aka Gli anni-luce 1965 )
The Spiral - short story ( aka La spirale 1965 )

Time and the Hunter - ( )
pt.I More of Qfwfq
The Soft Moon - short story ( aka La molle Luna 1967 )
The Origin of the Birds - short story ( aka L'origine degli Uccelli 1967 )
Crystals - short story ( aka I cristalli 1967 )
Blood, Sea - short story ( aka Il sangue, il mare 1967 )
pt.II Priscilla
Mitosis - short story ( aka I. Mitosi 1967 )
Meiosis - short story ( aka II. Meiosi 1967 )
Death - short story ( aka III. Morte 1967 )
pt.III t zero
t zero 0 short story ( aka Ti con Zero 1967 )
The Chase - short story ( aka L'inseguimento 1967 )
The Night Driver - short story ( aka Il guidatore notturno 1967 )
The Count of Monte Cristo - short story ( aka Il conte di Montecristo 1967 )

translated by Tim Parks

from Numbers in the Dark
World Memory - short story ( aka La memoria del mondo 1968 ) ( )
Nothing and Not Much - short story ( aka Il niente e il poco 1968 ) (
Implosion - short story ( aka L'implosione 1968 ) ( )
The Other Eurydice ( originally The Stone Sky ( aka Il cielo di pietra 1968 ) - re-written ) ( )

translated by Martin McLaughlin

The Mushroom Moon ( aka La Luna come fungo 1968 )
The Daughters of the Moon ( aka Le figlie della Luna 1968 )
The Meteorites ( aka I meteoriti 1968 )
The Stone Sky ( aka Il cielo di pietra 1968 )
As Long as the Sun Lasts ( aka Fino a che dura il Sole 1968 )
Solar Storm ( Tempesta solare 1968 )
Shells and Time ( Le conchiglie e il tempo 1968 )