The Decapitated Chicken and Other Stories

( Spanish - La gallina degollada y otros cuentos - 1925 )

collection by Horacio Quiroga

translated by Margaret Sayers Peden

Published: University of Texas Press - hardback - 1976
ISBN: 0292775148 / 9780292775145

University of Texas Press - trade paperback - 1984
ISBN: 0292715412 / 9780292715417

University of Texas Press - e-book - 2013
ISBN: 0292753519 / 9780292753518

University of Wisconsin Press - paperback - 2004
ISBN: 0299198340 / 9780299198343

ntroduction ( The Decapitated Chicken and Other Stories ) - essay by George D. Schade
The Feather Pillow - short story ( aka El almohadón de plumas 1907 )
Sunstroke - short fiction ( aka La insolación 1908 )
The Pursued - short fiction ( aka Los perseguidos 1905 )
The Decapitated Chicken - short fiction ( aka La gallina degollada 1909 )
Drifting - short fiction ( aka A la deriva 1912 )
A Slap in the Face - short fiction ( aka Una bofetada 1916 )
In the Middle of the Night - short fiction ( aka En la noche 1919 )
Juan Darien - short fiction ( aka Juan Darién 1920 )
The Dead Man - short story ( aka El hombre muerto 1920 )
Anaconda - short fiction ( aka Anaconda 1921 )
The Incense Tree Roof - short fiction ( aka El techo de incienso 1922)
The Son - short fiction ( aka El hijo 1928 )