The Resurrection of Madame Atomos ( Madame Atomos 7 )

( French - Mme Atomos Change de Peau - 1968 )

omnibus of novels by Andre Caroff

translated by Michael Shreve

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - NYA
ISBN: 9781612271576

The Resurrection of Madame Atomos - novel ( aka Mme Atomos Change de Peau 1968 )
The Seduction of Madame Atomos - novel ( aka Mme Atomos Fait Du Charme 1969 )
On an Ill Wind... - short story by François Darnaudet

Madame Atomos is miraculously rejuvenated into a woman twenty years younger than her former self! She uses her newly-regained beauty to seduce Akamatsu and plot a deadly revenge against Smith Beffort and his wife Mie, the former Miss Atomos, for whom she plans a hideous death.
