Vladimir Grigoriev - Russian author - 1935-1999

Has been translated into English, Spanish, German, Polish, Hungarian and Croatian

English title Russian title translator published format publisher ISBN
My Colleague ( story first published in English in Last Door to Aiya )Kollega - Ya Nazval Ego Tak ( Коллега — я назвал его так )Ginsburg, Mirra ( 1964 ) 1968 h/b S G Phillips 0875991351 / 9780875991351
The Horn of Plenty ( story first appearing in English in The Ultimate Threshold, Fantasy: Shapes of Things Unknown and Galaxy Magazine, December 1969 Rog Izobiliya ( Рог изобилия ) Ginsburg, Mirra ( 1964 ) 1970 h/b Holt, Rinehart and Winston 0030818478 / 9780030818479
Vanya ( story first appearing in English in Last Door to Aiya then in Science Fiction 1 )А могла бы и быть... Ginsburg, Mirra1968 / 1973h/b / tp/bS G Phillips / Houghton Mifflin0875991351 / 9780875991351, none
An Old Robot's Two Times Two ( story in Worlds Spring )Ничто человеческое нам не чуждоDeGaris, Roger( 1962 ) 1982h/bMacMillan Publishing Company0025421808 / 9780025421806