Yoshio Aramaki - Japanese author - b.1933

English titleJapanese titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
War in the Ponrappe Islands ( story in When the Music's Over )Ponrappu Gunto no HeiwaBehrens, Kazuko( 1991 ) 1991p/bBantam Spectra0553289853 / 9780553289855
Soft Clocks + ( story in Interzone 27, Jan/Feb 1989, Review of Contemporary Fiction 22 - 2, Fiction International 24, Spring, 1993 then The Big Book of Science Fiction )Yawarakai TokeiBehrens, Kazuko & Shiner, Lewis( 1968 ) 1989magazineDavid Pringlenone
The Blue Sun ( story in Strange Plasma 4, 1991 then Fiction International 24, Spring, 1993 )Midori no TaiyoBehrens, Kazuko( 1978 ) 1991magazine Edgewood Pressnone

+ http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Soft+Clocks.-a089928961