
Alfred Jarry

Alfred Henri Jarry - French author - 1873-1907

English titleFrench titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Elements of Pataphysics " ( story in The Big Book of Science Fiction )Éléments de pataphysiqueClairval, Gio( 1911 ) 2016tp/b / e-bookVintage Crime / Black Lizard1101910097 / 9781101910092, 1101910100 / 9781101910108 & B01CWZH7C4
Ubu roiUbu roiWright, Barbara( 1896 ) 1961p/bNew Directionsnone
How to Construct a Time Machine * ( story in the Selected Works of Alfred Jarry then The Traps of Time )Commentaire pour servir à la construction pratique de la machine à explorer le tempsShattuck, Rogerh/b / p/bMethuen / Grove Pressnone / 0394176049 / 9780394176048
Two Telepathic Letters to Lord Kelvin " ( story in 11th Annual Edition: The Year's Best S-F ) ( 19 <) 1966 / 67h/b / p/bDelacorte Press / Dellnone
The Field of Martyrs' Bones ( poem in Weirdbook 18 ) Home, William Scott1983magazineW. Paul Ganleynone

" extracts from Exploits & Opinions of Dr. Faustroll, Pataphysician ( Gestes et opinions du docteur Faustroll, pataphysicien: Roman néo-scientifique suivi de Spéculations 1898 ( 1911 ) )

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