
Georg Heym

Georg Heym - German author - 1887-1912

English titleGerman titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN / eISBN / ASIN
The Dissection ( story in The Weird )Die SektionClairval, Gio( 1984 ) 2011 / 2012tp/b /e-book /p/b / h/b /tp/b / e-bookCorvus / Callisto / Tor1848876874 / 9781848876873, 9781466803190, 085740024X / 9780857400246, 0765333600 / 9780765333605, 0765333627 / 9780765333629 & 9781466803190 / B006E1A68K
The Lunatic ( story in Tales of the German Imagination )Der IrreWortsman, Peter( 1913 ) 2012p/b / e-bookPenguin Books014119880X / 9780141198804, 0141198818 / 9780141198811 & B009R89INQ

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