
Karl-Michael Armer

Karl-Michael Armer - German author - b.1950

English titleGerman titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Shoobeedoowah Across the Universe ( story in Terra SF II )Durch das Weltall, schubiduwahRandolph, Joe F.( 1983 ) 1983p/bDAW Books0879978449 / 9780879978440
On the Inside Track ( novelette in Tales from the Planet Earth & The World Treasury of Science Fiction )UmkreisungenRandolph, Joe F. ( 1986 ) 1986h/b / p/bSt.Martin's Press0312784201 / 9780312784201 & 0312907796 / 9780312907792
BCO Equipment ( story in The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction )Wissenswertes über BCO-Geräte ( 1981 ) 1986p/bPenguin0140080678 / 9780140080674

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