
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - Russian author - 1857-1935

Has been translated into French, English and German

English titleRussian titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Beyond the Planet Earth also 'Outside the Earth'Vne Zemli ( Вне Земли )Syers, Kenneth( 1920 ) 1960h/bPergamon Pressnone
The Call of the Cosmos ( also titled The Path to the Stars & The Science Fiction of Konstantin TsiolkovskyPut' k zvezdam ( Путь к звездам ) ( 1960 ) 1963h/bForeign Languages Publishing Housenone
On the Moon ( novella )Na Lune ( На Луне )Forrester, Sibelan( 1893 )on-line http://www.swarthmore.edu/Humanities/sforres1/translations/Tsiolkovsky.html
On the Moon ( novella )Na Lune ( На Луне ) ( 1893 ) 2004p/bAthena Books1414701624 / 9781414701622
On Vesta ( incl. in Brick Moon )Na Veste 1899h/bLittle, Brown & Co.

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