
Manuel van Loggem

Emanuel van Loggem - Dutch author - 1916-1998

English titleDutch titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Fancyfuck ( story in New Worlds from the Lowlands )Fraaiparenauthor( 1974 ) 1982h/b / p/bCross Cultural Communications, Merrick0893040533 / 9780893040536 & 0893040541 / 9780893040543
Touchvision ( story in SF International 1 )Tastvisieauthor?( 1974 ) 1987magazineAndromeda Pressnone
Pairpuppets ( story in The Best from the Rest of the World, The World Treasury of Science Fiction then Cybersex )Paarpoppen ( 1974 ) 1976h/bDoubleday0385045506 / 9780385045506
The Call of the Wild ( story in New Writings in SF 28 ( alt. title New Writings in SF Special Three ) ( 1976 ) 1976 / 1977 / 1978h/b / p/b / h/bSidgwick & Jackson / Corgi / Sidgewick 7 Jackson0283983175 / 9780283983177, 0552105279 / 9780552105279 & 0283984481 / 9780283984488

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