
Pasi Ilmari Jaaskelainen

Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen - Finnish author - b. 1966

has been translated into French, German, English and Polish

English titleFinnish titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN / ISSN / BN ID / ASIN / url
Those Were the Days ( story in It Came From the North )Oi niitä aikojaRantalaiho, Liisa( 2000 ) 2013e-bookCheeky Frawg2940148887447 B00HBDZVY4
A zoo from the heavens ( story in The Dedalus Book of Finnish Fantasy )Taivaalta pudonnut eläintarhaHackston, David( 2000 ) 2006p/b / e-bookDedalus190351729X / 9781903517291 / 9781909232068
The Rabbit Back Literature SocietyLumikko ja yhdeksän muutaRogers, Lola M.( 2006 ) 2013p/b / e-bookPushkin Press1908968982 / 9781908968982 / B00FIP8Y6O
The Haunted House on Rocketworks Street ( story in Giants at the End of the World )Kummitustalo, RakettitehtaankatuSilvonen, Sarianna( 1996 ) 2017p/bWorldcon 759529391552 / 9789529391554
Looking for Laurel ( story in Usva International 2007 )Laurelia EtsimässäRantalaiho, Liisa( 1996 ) 2007e-magazineUSVA 1795 6242 & http://www.usvazine.net/usvainternational2007.pdf
Where the Trains Turn ( novella in Tor.com, November 19, 2014 then The Best of World SF Vol. 3 )Missä junat kääntyvätRantalaiho, Liisa( 2000 ) 2014webzineTor https://www.tor.com/2014/11/19/where-the-trains-turn/
Secret Passages in a Hillside TownHarjukaupungin salakäytävätRogers, Lola( 2010 ) 2017 / 18tp/b / e-bookPushkin Press1782273379 / 9781782273370 & 1782273387 / 9781782273387
The Coins of Morpheus ( story in Finnish Weird 2Morfeuksen kolikot Tupasela, J. Robert( 2001 ) 2015magazine / download / e-bookHelsinki Science Fiction Society9529355661 / 9789529355662, 952935567X / 9789529355679, 9529355688 / 9789529355686 & https://www.finnishweird.net/finnishweird2.html

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