Romanian SF Anthology Nemira '96

Romanian SF Anthology Nemira '964 • Antologia Science-Fiction Nemira '96

( Romanian - n/a )


edited by Sebastian A. Corn and Alexandru Mironov

translated by Ruxandra Toma and Cezar Ionescu

Published: Editura Nemira - trade paperback - 1996
ISBN: none

contents ( English only )
Cyberia - short story by Sebastian A. Corn ( aka Cyberia )
The Fractal Hell - short story by Florin Pîtea ( aka Infernul Fractal 1996 )
Dear God! - novelette by Ana-Veronica Mircea ( aka Sfinte Dumnezeule!)
The Return of the Prodigal Sons - short story by Cătălin Sandu ( aka Întoarcerea fiilor risipitori )
Still, Pinochio Was Alive - short story by Dănuț Ivănescu ( aka Și Pinochio era viu )
Alone on Ormuza - short story by Liviu Radu ( aka Singur pe Ormuza 1996 )
Time's Caves of Smoke - novelette by Ana-Maria Negrilă ( aka Peșterile de fum ale timpului )
Paladins Indexed Life-Gambler - short story by Michael Hăulică ( aka Jucător pe Viată Indexat la Paladini 1996 )
The Most Beautiful World - novelette by Mihail Samoilă ( aka Cea mai Frumoasă Dintre Lumi )
The Authors ( Nemira '96 ) - essay by uncredited

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