
The Dream Adventure

The Dream Adventure, a Literary Anthology

( original title - n/a )


translated by not stated

edited by Roger Caillois

Published: The Orion Press - hardback - 1963
ISBN: none

Introduction ( The Dream Adventure ) - essay by Roger Caillois
The Dream of the Duke of Chin - short story by Tso-ch'iu Ming
King Mu of Chou - short story by Lieh Tzu ( 列子 ) ( aka Zhou Mu Wang ( 周穆王 ) unknown ) ( ( from ) Book of Liehtse or Liezi ( 列子 ) )
The Country of Ku Mang and Others - short story Lieh Tzu ( 列子 ) ( ( from ) Book of Liehtse or Liezi ( 列子 ) )
Mr. Yin and His Servant - short story by Lieh Tzu ( 列子 ) ( ( from ) Book of Liehtse or Liezi ( 列子 ) )
Whose Deer Was It? - short story by Lieh Tzu ( 列子 ) ( aka 得鹿梦 unknown ) ( ( from ) Book of Liehtse or Liezi ( 列子 ) )
Chuang Chou and the Butterfly - short story by Chuang Tzu ( 莊子 ) ( aka Zhuāng Zhōu mèng dié ( 莊周夢蝶 / 蝴蝶的夢想 ) unknown, c.3rd century B.C. )
The Magic Pillow - short story by Shen Chi-chi ( aka 枕中记 unknown )
Governor of the Southern Branch - short story by Li Kung-tso ( aka Nánkē Tàishǒu Zhuàn ( 南柯太守傳 ) unknown )
The Three Dreams - short story by Po Hsing-Chien ( aka San-meng chi ( 三夢記 ) )
A Strange Dream - short story by Shen Ya-chih ( aka Qín mèng jì ( 秦夢記 ) 827 )
The Second Visit to the Red Cliff - prose poem by Su Shih ( aka hou Chibi Fu ( 后赤壁赋 ) 1082 )
The Painted Wall - short story by P'u Sung-Ling ( 蒲松龄 ) ( aka 畫壁 1766 ) ( translated by Herbert A. Giles )
A Scholar of Feng-yang • short story by P'u Sung-Ling ( 蒲松龄 ) ( aka 鳳陽士人 1766 )
Wu Ch'iu-yueh - short story by P'u Sung-Ling ( 蒲松龄 ) ( aka 伍秋月? 1766 )
One Pao-Yü Dreams of Visiting Another Pao-Yü - excerpt by Tsao Hsueh-Chin ( ( from ) aka Story of the Stone ( 石頭記 ) )
Tale of Aristomenes - excerpt ( from The Golden Ass ) by Apuleius
The Gardens of Alamut - short story by Marco Polo
The Vision of Charles XI •- short story by Prosper Mérimée ( aka Vision de Charles XI 1829 )
A Tale of the Ragged Mountains - short story by Edgar Allan Poe ( 1844 )
The Dead Leman - novelette by Théophile Gautier ( aka La morte amoureuse 1836 )
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge - short story by Ambrose Bierce ( 1890 )
The Dream of Doctor Mišić - novelette by Ksaver Sandor Gjalski ( aka San doktora Mišića 1890 )
The Holes in the Mask - short story by Jean Lorrain ( aka Les trous du masque 1895 ) ( translated by uncredited )
The Brushwood Boy - novelette by Rudyard Kipling ( 1895 )
The Door in the Wall - short story by H. G. Wells ( 1906 )
Phantas - short story by Oliver Onions ( 1910 )
Lord Mountdrago - novelette by W. Somerset Maugham ( 1939 )
The Visit to the Museum - short story by Vladimir Nabokov ( aka Посещение музея 1939 )
Pale Blue Nightgown - short story by Louis Golding ( 1936 )
A Wild Surmise - short story by Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore ( as by Henry Kuttner and Catherine L. Moore ) ( 1953 )
The Dream That Was Violated - short story by Luisa Mercedes Levinson ( aka El sueño violado 1959 )
Everything and Nothing - short story by Jorge Luis Borges ( aka Everything and nothing 1958 ) ( translated by Mildred Boyer )
The Distances - short story by Julio Cortázar ( aka Lejana 1949 )
275 • The Epistemology of the Dream • short story by Bernard Groethuysen

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