
Vladimir Colin

Vladimir Colin ( Jean Colin ) - Romanian author - 1921-1991

translated into Hungarian, French, English, German, Russian, Czech, Polish, Japanese and Bulgarian

English title Romanian title translator published formatPublisher ISBN illustrator
Legends from Vamland ( abridged )Legendele tarii lui Vam Carol, Luiza 2000 Centre for Romanian Studies9739432204 Penda, Octavian Ion
The Contract ( story in Other Worlds Other Seas )Broasca ( Broasca )author( 1964 ) 1970 / 1972h/b / p/bRandom House / Berkley Booksnone & 0425022781 / 9780425022788
Within the Circle. Closer and Closer ( story in Jurnalul SF, no.72-73 )În cerc, tot mai aproape ( 1972 ) 1994newsheetIntactnone
Beyond ( story in Edge, Autumn/Winter 1973 )Dincolo ( 1970 ) 1973magazineThe Edge Pressnone
Tristan''s Last Avatar ( story in Twelve )Ultimul avatar al lui TristanAvramut, Mihaela( 1966 ) 1995tp/bSedona Publishing Company9739601357 ( ? ) & B01BWBOOA2

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