
Vladislav Krapivin

Vladislav ( or Vitaly ) Petrovich Krapivin - Russian author - b.1938

English titleRussian titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Meeting My Brother / I'm Going to Meet My Brother ( novelette in Path Into the Unknown and The Molecular Cafe )Ya Idu Vstrechat' Brata ( Я иду встречать брата ) ( 1963 ) 1966 / 1968h/b / p/b MacGibbon & Kee / Pan MacMillannone / 0330023535 / 9780330023535

Aelita 1983 for the novel Deti Sinego Flamingo ( Blue Flamingo's Children ) - not translated?

Velikoye Koltso / The Great Ring Award for the novel Deti Sinego Flamingo ( Blue Flamingo's Children ) - not translated?

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