Vadim Sergeevich Shefner ( Вадим Сергеевич Шефнер ) - Russian author - 1915-2005

English titleRussian titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
The Unman - Kovrigins ChroniclesChelovek s piatiyu ne ( Человек с пятью "не" )/ Devushka u obryba ( Девушка у обрыва )Nakhimovsky, Alice Stone & Nakhimovsky, Alexander( 1967 / 1964 ) 1981h/b / p/bCollier MacMillan0026100606 / 0020252307
A Modest Genius ( story first appearing in English in Russian Science Fiction 1969, View from Another Shore, When Questions Are Asked then The Big Book of Science Fiction )Skromnyi genii ( Скромный гений )Jacobson, Helen Saltz( 1963 ) 1969h/bNew York University Press0814702805 / 9780814702802
A Provincial's Wings ( story first appearing in English in New Soviet Science Fiction Zapozdalyi Strelok, ili Krylya Provintsiala ( Запоздалый стрелок, или Крылья провинциала )Nakhimovsky, Alice Stone & Nakhimovsky, Alexander( 1966 ) 1979 / 1981h/b / p/bCollier MacMillan0025782207 / 9780025782204 & 0020226500 / 9780020226505
The Friar of Chikola ( story first appearing in English in New Soviet Science FictionКурфюрст КурляндииJacobson, Helen Saltz( 1971 ) 1979h/b / p/bCollier MacMillan0025782207 / 9780025782204 & 0020226500 / 9780020226505
A Total Mystery ( chapters of, in Soviet Literature Science Fiction of Today 1984 )Круглая тайнаWhyte, Monica( 1970 ) 1984MagazineEditors of Soviet Literaturenone

Aelita 2000

Velikoye Koltso / The Great Ring Award 1982 for the novel Lachuga dolzhnika ( Hovel of Debtor ) - not translated?