Aleksandar Žiljak - Croatian author - b.1963
Has been translated into English, Spanish, Chinese, Danish, Serbian, Greek, Italian, French, Polish and German. Also translates into English.
Has been translated into English, Spanish, Chinese, Danish, Serbian, Greek, Italian, French, Polish and German. Also translates into English.
English title | Croatian title | translator | published | format | published | ISBN / BN ID / ASIN / ISSN / url |
An Evening in the City Coffeehouse, with Lydia on My Mind ( story in The Apex Book of World SF, Apex, Nov., 2009 then IBella Proxima ) | Vecer u Gradskoj, s Lidijom u mislima | author | ( 1999 ) 2009 | tp/b / e-book | Apex Publications | 0982159633 / 9780982159637, B002YQ2X2G & 2940013580015 |
What Colour is the Wind? + ( novelette in InterNova 1 then InterNova ) | ( 2004 ) 2005 | p/b | Books On Demand GmbH | 3833427418 / 9783833427411 | ||
Troglobiont ( story on InterNova ) | Troglobiont | author | ( 2001 ) 2011 | on-line | | |
Price of Freedom ( story on InterNova ) | Cijena slobode | author | ( 1999 ) 2011 | on-line | | |
Sex and the Deep-Sea Anglerfish ( story in Parsek Eurocon 2010 then on InterNova ) | Seks i dubokomorske grdobine * | ( 2006 ) 2010 | magazine | SFera Science Fiction Society | | |
Footprints on the Beach ( story in Extinct Doesn't Mean Forever ) | 2011 | e-book | Dare To Dream Press | B005FFOHAE | ||
The Dead! ( story in Kontakt ) | author | 2012 | Mentor | 9537113833 / 9789537113834 | ||
Aleta from Sunday+2 ( story in Andromeda SF Magazin 156 ) | Aleta iz nedjelje | author | 2017 | magazine | Science Fiction Club Deutschland | 0394-330X |
Rumiko ( story in Gears & Leavers I ) | Rumiko | author | 2012 | tp/b | Sky Warrior Book Publishing | 0615663745 / 9780615663746 & B007XB0CCU |
Days of Orgone ( story in Salacious Tales ) | Dni Orgonu | author | 2013 | tp/b | Epic Saga Publishing | 0983334625/ 9780983334620 |
Argosy ( story in Eridan 12 then Salacious Tales ) | Argosy | author | 2012 | tp/b | “3. Zmaj” association | none |
All the Colours of Black ( story in Parsek Worldcon 2017) | Sve boje crnog | author | ( 1999 ) 2017 | magazine | SFera Science Fiction Society | none |
Fluffy ( story in Parsek Worldcon 2008) | author | 2008 | magazine | SFera Science Fiction Society | |
- originally written in English