
Aleksandar Ziljak

Aleksandar Žiljak - Croatian author - b.1963

Has been translated into English, Spanish, Chinese, Danish, Serbian, Greek, Italian, French, Polish and German. Also translates into English.

English titleCroatian titletranslatorpublishedformatpublishedISBN / BN ID / ASIN / ISSN / url
An Evening in the City Coffeehouse, with Lydia on My Mind ( story in The Apex Book of World SF, Apex, Nov., 2009 then IBella Proxima )Vecer u Gradskoj, s Lidijom u mislima author( 1999 ) 2009tp/b / e-bookApex Publications0982159633 / 9780982159637, B002YQ2X2G & 2940013580015
What Colour is the Wind? + ( novelette in InterNova 1 then InterNova ) ( 2004 ) 2005p/bBooks On Demand GmbH3833427418 / 9783833427411
Troglobiont ( story on InterNova )Troglobiontauthor( 2001 ) 2011on-line http://nova-sf.de/internova/?p=600#more-600
Price of Freedom ( story on InterNova )Cijena slobodeauthor( 1999 ) 2011on-line http://nova-sf.de/internova/?p=605#more-605
Sex and the Deep-Sea Anglerfish ( story in Parsek Eurocon 2010 then on InterNova )Seks i dubokomorske grdobine * ( 2006 ) 2010magazineSFera Science Fiction Society http://parsek.sfera.hr/pdf/parsek112.pdf
Footprints on the Beach ( story in Extinct Doesn't Mean Forever ) 2011e-bookDare To Dream PressB005FFOHAE
The Dead! ( story in Kontakt ) author2012Mentor 9537113833 / 9789537113834
Aleta from Sunday+2 ( story in Andromeda SF Magazin 156 )Aleta iz nedjeljeauthor2017magazineScience Fiction Club Deutschland0394-330X
Rumiko ( story in Gears & Leavers I )Rumikoauthor 2012tp/bSky Warrior Book Publishing0615663745 / 9780615663746 & B007XB0CCU
Days of Orgone ( story in Salacious Tales )Dni Orgonuauthor 2013tp/bEpic Saga Publishing0983334625/ 9780983334620
Argosy ( story in Eridan 12 then Salacious Tales )Argosyauthor 2012tp/b“3. Zmaj” associationnone
All the Colours of Black ( story in Parsek Worldcon 2017)Sve boje crnogauthor( 1999 ) 2017magazineSFera Science Fiction Societynone
Fluffy ( story in Parsek Worldcon 2008) author2008magazineSFera Science Fiction Society http://parsek.sfera.hr/pdf/parsek101.pdf

  • originally written in English

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