
Alexander Gorbovsky

Alexander Alfredovich Gorbovsky - Ukrainian author - 1930-2003

English titleRussian titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
He Will Wake in Two Hundred Years ( story in Vortex )On Prosnetsya Cherez Dvesti Let ( Он проснется через двести лет ) ( 1964 ) 1970 / 1971h/b / p/bMacGibbon and Kee / Pan MacMillan0261631780 / 9780261631786 & 0330027050 / 9780330027052
Futility ( story in Vortex )Tshchetnost' ( Тщетность ) ( 1970 ) 1970 / 1971h/b / p/bMacGibbon and Kee / Pan MacMillan0261631780 / 9780261631786 & 0330027050 / 9780330027052
Pressure Cruise ( alternative title to Futility ( ? publication dates don't add up ) - in Perry Rhodan 58 then Ackermanthology )Tshchetnost' Novotny, Norbert F.( 1972 ) 1974 / 1997, 2000magazine / tp/bAce / General Publishing Group / Sense of Wonder Pressnone, 1575440563 / 9781575440569 & 0918736250 / 9780918736253
Coincidence ( story in Worlds Spring )Sovpadenie ( Совпадение )DeGaris, Roger( 1972 ) 1982h/bMacMillan Publishing Company0025421808 / 9780025421806
The Stanislavsky Method ( story in Worlds Spring )Po Sisteme Stanislvskogo ( По системе Станиславского )DeGaris, Roger( 1974 ) 1982h/bMacMillan Publishing Company0025421808 / 9780025421806

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