
Erik Simon

Erik Simon - ( East ) German author - b. 1950

translated into Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Swedish, English, Hungarian, Slovak, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian

English titleGerman titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Ikaros ( story in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, July-August 1998 then The Road to Science Fiction 6 Around the World )Wissenwertes über den Planeten IkarosChamberlin, Vernon A.( 1971 ) 1998magazineDell Magazinesnone
The Black Mirror ( story in The Black Mirror and Other Stories )Der schwarze SpiegelMitchell, Mike( 1983 ) 2008 / 2009h/b / p/bWesleyan University Press0819568309 / 9780819568304 / 0819568317 / 9780819568311
The Vaudeville Principle ( story in Science Fiction ( the Danish Fanzine! ) )Das Vaudeville-Prinzip author( 2004 ) 2007p/bScience Fiction Cirklen1604-1097

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