
Friedrich von Gagern

Friedrich Balduin, Freiherr von Gagern - Austrian ( born Austro-Hungarian ) author - 1882-1947

English titleGerman titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
The Gypsy’s Prophecy ( story in The Dedalus Book of Austrian Fantasy )HellseherMitchell, Mike( 1932 ) 1993 / 94p/bDedalus ( UK ) / Ariadne ( US )1903517133 / 9781903517130 & 0929497635 / 9780929497631
A Fragment of a Distant Event ( story in The Dedalus Book of Austrian Fantasy )FerngeschichteMitchell, Mike( 1932 ) 1993 / 94p/bDedalus ( UK ) / Ariadne ( US )1903517133 / 9781903517130 & 0929497635 / 9780929497631

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