
Fyodor Dostoevsky

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky - Russian author - 1821-1881

English title Russian title translator published format publisher ISBN
Bobok ( story in Worlds Apart )Bobok ( Бобок )Levitsky, Alexander( 1873 ) 2007 / 8h/b / p/b Overlook Press 1585678198 / 9781585678198 & 1585678201 / 9781585678204
The Little Boy at the Savior's Christmas Tree + ( story in Worlds Apart )Мальчик у Христа на ёлкеLevitsky, Alexander( 1877 ) 2007 / 8h/b / p/b Overlook Press1585678198 / 9781585678198 & 1585678201 / 9781585678204
The Dream of a Ridiculous Man ( story in Worlds Apart )Son smeshnovo cheloveka ( Сон смешного человека )Levitsky, Alexander( 1877 ) 2007 / 8h/b / p/b Overlook Press1585678198 / 9781585678198 & 1585678201 / 9781585678204

only those works are listed which have been published in an SF context

+ also titled 'The Little Orphan' or 'The Beggar Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree'

Page last modified on Thursday 07 of August, 2014 08:55:36 GMT-0000