Gustave Le Rouge

Gustave Henri Joseph Le Rouge - French author - 1867-1938

English titleFrench titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN / BN ID / ASINco-author
The Plutocratic Plot La Conspiration des MilliardairesStableford, Brian( 1899 ) 2012tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612270956 / 9781612270951, 2940015138153 * & B009567DLOGustave Guitton
The Transatlantic ThreatÀ Coups de MilliardsStableford, Brian( 1899 ) 2012tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612270964 / 9781612270968, 2940015138184 & B00956ADAWGustave Guitton
The Psychic SpiesLe Régiment des HypnotiseursStableford, Brian( 1900 ) 2012tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612270972 / 9781612270975, 2940015138191 > & B00956AC3AGustave Guitton
The Victims VictoriousLa Revanche du Vieux MondeStableford, Brian( 1900 ) 2012tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612270980 / 9781612270982, 2940015138207 " & B00956ACM6Gustave Guitton
The Dominion of the WorldLa Conspiration des MilliardairesStableford, Brian( 1899-1900 ) 2012e-bookBlack Coat PressnoneGustave Guitton
The Vampires of MarsLe Prisonnier de la planète Mars / La Guerre des VampiresStableford, Brian( 1908 / 1909 ) 2008 / 2011tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1934543306 / 9781934543306, 2940013626430 & B0062OKC1A
The War of the Vampires ( extract in ODD? )La Guerre des VampiresEvenson, Brian & Beus, David( 1909 ) 2011e-bookCheeky Frawgnone / 2940013267657 / B005UEL2XK
The Sculptor of Human Flesh ¬Le sculpteur de chair humaineStableford, Brian( n/a ) 2014tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612272436 / 9781612272436, 2940150566255 & B00N505EQC
The Secret of the Island of Hanged Men #Le secret de l'île des pendusStableford, Brian( n/a ) 2014tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612272444 / 9781612272443, 2940150566262 & B00N505ERQ
The Rochester Bridge Catastrophe ~La dame aux scabieusesStableford, Brian( n/a ) 2014tp/b / e-bookBlack Coat Press1612272452 / 9781612272450, 2940150566286 & B00N505EUS

the 4 volumes constitute The Dominion of the World ( aka La Conspiration des Milliardaires )

± French Science Fiction no. 74
> French Science Fiction no. 75
" French Science Fiction no. 76

The omnibus e-book is available directly from Black Coat Press

¬ French Science Fiction no. 109 / The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius Vol. I
  1. French Science Fiction no. 110 / The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius Vol. II
~ French Science Fiction no. 111 / The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius Vol. III

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