

Homo-Deus, The Invisible Satyr

( French - Homo-Deus, le Satyre Invisible - 1924 )

novel by Félicien Champsaur

translated by Brian Stableford

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2014 ( French Science Fiction 133 )
ISBN: 1612273513 / 9781612273518

Black Coat Press - e-book - 2014
see: http://www.blackcoatpress.com/homodeus.htm

Black Coat Press ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2014
ISBN: 2940151623735

Black Coat Press ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2014

Dr. Marc Vanel is the son of a scientist & a beautiful exotic spy. A polymath & engineer, he is gifted with prodigious strength & intelligence & trained by the Brahmins of India. When Vanel acquires the power of invisibility, he becomes Homo-Deus, invisible but for his emerald green eyes, haunting the dreams of evil men & lovely women alike.
A ground-breaking novel which combines biomedical and superhero speculative fiction. It is a milestone in the evolution of the superhero, dealing with its fundamental problem: to what extent a person who can act with total impunity is likely to admit any constraints stemming from morality?
The volume includes the sequel, Kill the Old, Enjoy! ( aka Tuez les Vieux! Jouir 1925 ), a brutal but honest look at the moral disintegration of society after World War I.


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