Investigations of the Future

Investigations of the Future

( French - not as such )


translated by Brian Stableford

Published: Black Coat Press - trade paperback - 2012
ISBN: 1612271065 / 9781612271064

Black Coat Press ( Barnes & Noble ) - Nook - 2012 ( French Science Fiction 80 )
BN ID: 2940015841312

Black Coat Press ( Amazon ) - Kindle - 2012

Introduction - by Brian Stableford
Future Paris - short story by Theophile Gautier ( aka Paris futur 1851 )
Future Paris - short story by Arsene Houssaye ( aka Le Paris futur 1856 )
Future Paris - short story by Victor Fournel ( aka Paris futur 1865 )
The Ruins of Paris in 4875 - short story by Alfred Franklin ( aka Les ruines de Paris en 4875 1875 )
Year 330 of the Republic - short story by Maurice Spronck ( aka L'an 330 de la République 1894 )
An Investigation of the World of the Future - short story by Jean Jullien ( aka Enquête sur le monde futur 1909 )
Hebal's Vision - short story by Pierre-Simon Ballanche ( aka La Vision d'Hebal 1834 )
Notes - by Brian Stableford

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