
Leopoldo Lugones

Leopoldo Lugones Argüello - Argentinian author - 1874-1938

English titleSpanish titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN / BN ID / ASIN
The Bloat Toad ( story in Stange Forces, Leopoldo Lugones: Selected Writings + then ODD? ( trans. by Nolan, Larry ) )El escuerzoAlter-Gilbert, Gilbert( 1906 ) 2001tp/bLatin American Literary Review Press1891270052 / 9781891270055
Strange ForcesLas fuerzas extrañasAlter-Gilbert, Gilbert( 1906 ) 2001tp/bLatin American Literary Review Press1891270052 / 9781891270055
The Rain of Fire ( story in Leopoldo Lugones: Selected Writings )La lluvia de fuegoWaisman, Sergio( 1906 ) 2008tp/bOxford University Press0195174046 / 9780195174045
Yzur ( story in Strange Forces then Leopoldo Lugones: Selected Writings )YzurAlter-Gilbert, Gilbert( 1906 ) 2001tp/bLatin American Literary Review Press1891270052 / 9781891270055
Viola Acherontia ( story in Strange Forces then Leopoldo Lugones: Selected Writings )Viola acherontiaAlter-Gilbert, Gilbert( 1906 ) 2001tp/bLatin American Literary Review Press1891270052 / 9781891270055
The Pillar of Salt ( story in Strange Forces then Leopoldo Lugones: Selected Writings )La estatua de salAlter-Gilbert, Gilbert( 1906 ) 2001tp/bLatin American Literary Review Press1891270052 / 9781891270055
The Horses of Abdera ( story in The Book of Fantasy, Strange Forces then Leopoldo Lugones: Selected Writings )Los caballos de AbderaKerrigan, Anthony( 1906 ) 1988 / 89h/bXanadu ( UK ) / Viking ( US )0947761446 / 9780947761446 & 0670823937 / 9780670823932

+ titled El Escuerzo

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