
Lino Aldani

Lino Aldani - Italian author - 1926-2009

English titleItalian titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
Good Night, Sophie ( novelette in View from Another Shore, The Science Fiction Century & The Mammoth Book of 20th Century Science Fiction: Volume OneBuonanotte SofiaConrad, L.K. ( ? ) ( 1963 ) 1973p/bSeabury Press0816491518 / 9780816491513
Red Rhombuses ( story in Terra SF then InterNova 1]Screziato di rossoRandolph, Joe F.( 1977 ) 1981p/bDAW Books0879975954 / 9780879975951
Quo Vadis, Francisco? ( story in The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction ) 1986p/bPenguin0140080678 / 9780140080674
S is for Snake ( story in Tales from the Planet Earth )S come serpente 1986h/b / p/bSt.Martin's Press 0312784201 / 9780312784201 & 0312907796 / 9780312907792

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