
Ludwig Tieck

Johann Ludwig Tieck - German ( Prussian ) author - 1773-1853

English titleGerman titletranslatorpublishedformatpublisherISBN
The Runenberg ( novelette in German Romance, Tales from the "Phantasus," etc., Latter-day Pamphlets, A Romantic Storybook, German Literary Fairy Tales & Tales of the German Imagination* )Der RunenbergCarlyle, Thomas( 1804 ) 1827h/bWilliam Taitnone
Auburn Egbert " ( novelette in Popular Tales & Romances of the Northern Nations, The German Novelists, The Blue Flower, Latter-Day Pamphlets, German Romance, Tales from the "Phantasus," etc.. Anchor Book of Stories, Romantic Gothic Tales, German Literary Fairy Tales then Spells of Enchantment:then Translations from the German )Der blonde Eckbertuncredited /Roscoe, Thomas / Carlyle, Thomas / Zipes, Jack( 1797 ) 1823h/bSimpkin & Marshallnone

only listed as appears in speculative anthologies

  • titled 'Rune Mountain'

" also titled: Fair-Haired Eckbert / The Fair-Haired Eckbert / The White Egbert / Fair Eckbert / Eckbert the Blond

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